The objectives of the organization is to advance the principles of true Christian charity (love of God and neighbor) through service to others. To promote fellowship among women of the parish through social and spiritual contact and renewal. To help maintain an appropriate setting for worship and celebration of the Eucharist through care of the altar and sacristy; and to support and foster unity of purpose within the parish family.
The Ladies Altar Sodality has many functions which include: care and financial support for the altar and sacristy; prepare and serve meals for families having a funeral for a loved one; send cards to the sick, homebound and bereaved; assist others in the area by supporting food drives and the Christmas Giving Tree; sponsors social and religious programs for the members; helps welcome new parishioners; sews baptismal bibs; hosts many parish social functions; organizes fundraising events to help support parish needs and charities; and supports the parish through prayer, labor and finances.
All women of the parish 18 years of age and older are eligible for membership as either active members or supportive members.
The Ladies Altar Sodality meets the first Tuesday of the month at 9:00 am and 6:30 pm.
Monday - Thursday:
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
The parish office is closed on Friday, Saturday & Sunday
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