Theme: Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person
Classes: Grades K5 - 12 & Adults are Sundays at 9:30 am-10:30 am
Contact: Terry Pruet, Director - 205 228-8382 - Click Here to Email
Parents can register Students
Online or
Print out Registration Form. See above to register. One check made payable to Holy Infant of Prague can be written for multiple registrations.
Classes are age appropriate and address developmental stages. Our program starts with God as Creator of all and Jesus as Savior and teacher of our way of life. Through the Loyola series, Christ Our Life, the Bible is presented as God’s living word throughout the curriculum which builds on lessons learned each year. Children learn the need for prayer and worship, parts of the Mass, Saints, the Rosary, Sacraments, Apologetics and salvation history.
As Jesus grew in wisdom and grace, His children grow through generous sharing and instruction of volunteer Catechists. Two Catechists are assigned to every class and are required to be certified in Youth Protection 1 through the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama. PSR Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am.
Information is posted on the P.S.R. Bulletin Board and in the Sunday Bulletin.
Ever thought about serving the youth of the Parish as catechist? It is certainly as rewarding as it can be challenging! Come Fall, we will need additional catechists to fill open positions required to place a lead catechist and assistant in each classroom. Please prayerfully consider if this is an area in which God is calling you to serve contact Terry Pruet at (205) 228-8382.
Monday - Thursday:
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
The parish office is closed on Friday, Saturday & Sunday
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